Excellent questions, Jason! I also feel like play and work are tightly related when you need to survive. My stress started when I had to think about making money doing what I love(d?); that's tiring. Thanks for sharing it

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Oh hey Mattia, great to hear from you again!

Yeah sometimes making play into work feels like itโ€™s setting up too much expectations for work to fulfill us and bring us bliss..

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"When play becomes work, youโ€™ll never play another day in your life."

One more banger from Jason.

Found myself questioning all my recent life choices after reading this post ๐Ÿ˜…. I think the most important point (for me at least) is to keep some hobbies that are exclusively for fun. Always.

I needed this reminder bro. Thank you ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Glad it resonated and sparked some reflection, buddy! ๐Ÿ™ Yeah Iโ€™ve been questioning these life choices a bit myself recently too. And yes! Important to have an outlet for fun! Otherwise we keep working and working and burn out.. for me rn itโ€™s going out with the wife and kiddo. We had fun at the zoo recently!

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