Overheard today:
“2025: Don’t spend another year doing the same shit”
Made me think.
Yeah there’s some progress this year. Launched a few things, kept products going and growing, and most importantly, I pivoted careers to frontend dev that got me and my family past survival stage… But it still wasn’t enough. Nowhere near the level I want. $10k monthly revenue from my products alone? Far from it.
So what I did this year wasn’t enough.
Committing consistently. Great but not enough.
Waking up at 5? Awesome but not enough.
Building new projects for fun? Joyous but not enough.
There was progress but it was mostly incremental. The direction of the trajectory? I’m not sure if this is the right direction even.
No matter what, one thing’s for sure:
Don’t spend another year doing the same shit.
Same boat, man... why do you think what you did wasn't enough? Maybe the effort you are giving is enough, but you're spending it on the wrong things. Curious if you'd wanna talk about this over a (virtual) coffee. 🙂