An object at rest stays at rest. At object in motion stays in motion.
So does rest. Rest has inertia too.
Starting to rest after working hard—3 jobs, 10 projects—for months is hard because a mind in motion stays in motion. But once motion dissipates and the mind slows down to a halt, rest stays at rest. That’s when you truly dig into rest.
At least that’s how I’m feeling these days. It’s like on vacation. By the time you slow down and feel settled into the vacation, it’s time for you to depart.
I’m definitely settling into rest now. It’s delicious. Much much needed. So much so, sometimes I wonder if I will ever get back to it.
Thankfully, my daily habits—writing, committing code—are the ever so thin thread holding me back from truly losing all sense of time and space while huddled in the bubble that’s my rest.
I rested. And it was good.