Mission impossible: Sleep, money, time
The impossible trifecta of juggling between sleep, money and time
Everyday struggles of a 5am indie dad:
The body wants more sleep.
The mind wants more MRR.
The heart wants more time with the family.
Balance is key, everyone says. But try as we indie parents might, it’s an impossible task to balance it all.
It’s like the proverbial trifecta between cheap, fast good – you can only choose two. There’s no such thing as a good deal having all three. It’s almost like a law of physics.
Same for sleep, money, family time.
Some days I feel young, bold and idealistic enough to even try to balance all three. Most of the time though, it’s impossible. An average day is being able do one out of the three well. Maybe two, on lucky days. On bad days, I fail all three.
But thankfully… I can always wake up the next day to try again.
Like today.
Like tomorrow.