Yesterday I fell into a rabbit hole of building. Here’s what went down:
Added animated gradient buy buttons to my site just for fun. Wasn’t serious nor thinking about conversion rates. Just wanted to try something random, learn some new CSS, for a few minutes.
“Oh that was fun!” Then went on to add it to the “power up” part of my hero tagline – “Plugins, widgets, scripts to power up your Carrd sites”. The animated gradient works well here as it made “power up” look like it’s charging.
Felt inspired! Then went on to create a all-new product - an animated gradient buttons template on Carrd.
And that was most of my day gone by the time the dust settled. All because of surge of random inspiration.
The weird thing is… You know what people often say about inspiration: Don’t wait for it. Inspiration is fickle. Go with consistency instead.
I used to be that guy. I was the “consistency guy”. Defending consistency over inspiration was a hill I’d die on.
But lately, I’m having a more nuanced view.
It’s not inspiration versus consistency.
It’s inspiration AND consistency.
Like… why not both? Consistency matters, yes. Consistency saved my ass so many times where inspiration was dry and motivation low. But when inspiration does show up, don’t just ignore it and do the usual consistency stuff. Leverage the hell out of that surge of energy and ideas! It’s a great opportunity to kickstart something from nothing. It’s a 10x productivity moment that would be so silly to waste on doing the ‘boring’ consistent stuff. Do the exciting shit happening right here right now.
“Inspiration is perishable - act on it immediately.” – @naval
The way I see it now: Consistency is for the boring days when inspiration’s away. Consistency keeps you around and ready… till inspiration returns. When it does return, drop consistency and act on inspiration. Immediately. Without guilt and holding back.
Drink it all up.