August goals | Jason's monthly newsletter
August goals
I once heard of a good definition of product-market fit:
When something is pulling you forward and seemingly showing results on its own, it’s tending towards product-market fit.
When you’re having to push hard on something yet results don’t always show, it’s likely to not have product-market fit.
It makes so much sense, yet sometimes we blind ourselves to the pull signals we get from reality. Because we’re fixated with making something else successful, something we think should be successful. Some story we made up in our heads, that a particular product is what we want to succeed by, not the product that’s actually showing results.
So for August, I’m setting the broad intentions of doing what pulls me forward.
I wrote in my July recap that 2 projects are pulling me forward:
If there’s anything this month that I want to do well in, it’s this one thing:
My upcoming consultancy gig in August.
It’s with a non-profit organisation, something I’ve always wanted. My consulting clients are 99% government, but my heart is always with social causes and working directly with non-profits. This is also about something I love - helping vulnerable families, growing community, education. There’s also potential for repeat projects, so it’s a job that I desire to overdeliver on, so that we can have a longer working relationship. It’s a $30k project, and I’m super grateful that it allows me to extend my runway to continue working on my indie products.
For my Carrd plugins, it’s continuing to pull me forward. Yet I continue to not give it the attention it deserves. Why? It’s weird. I wonder if it’s because it started as a side project. Perhaps I’m still in the side project mode on this one, so I deprioritize it? Yet it’s not the lack of interest or passion. I do enjoy working on it. If someone asks a question about Carrd, I drop my work and help. That can’t be something that can’t be forced or faked.
And when I asked myself, “What would the product look like it this was your main project?” So many ideas come to me. Ideas I want to work on, features I want to create, plugins I’m excited to build.
And I will.
So, two missions, one month.