“Never mistake motion for action.” - Ernest Hemmingway
That’s the difference between true progress versus false progress.
Motion is self-gratifying. Action is constructive.
Motion pushes back at you. Action pulls you forward.
Motion is mindless practice. Action is deliberate practice.
Motion is impressions and likes. Action is profit in the bank.
Motion is busy, low value work. Action is purposeful, high ROI work.
Motion is a lot of work. Action is prioritising, doing less to achieve more.
Motion is building an audience. Action is building buy intent in an audience.
Motion is doing something just because your hero does it. Action is doing something because your customers are paying for it.
It’s so easy to get caught up in motion. Especially when you see your peers doing it. You assume that’s the game and that’s how it’s played. You do and do, assuming that you need patience, that results will eventually come, that “good things come to those who wait”. But that wise saying has so many caveats you’ve never heard. It only applies if you were working in the right thing. If it’s the wrong thing, no product-market fit, the unit economics are off, then no amount of time and patience will come in to save you.
No amount of motion is going to deliver the outcome you want.
Always ask: Is this task/goal/objective a motion, or action?
Be real. Be realistic. Be skeptical of our own innate tendencies and biases to favour motion.
Then act accordingly.
True progress will come.