Trending soon:
A $1B, 1-person company.
We all know a $1M, 1-person company already exists. Great discussion here on HN, there’s a book with the same title, and within the indie circles we know a few high profile solo folks who do $1M in revenue or more.
So millions is doable. How about billion?
“In my little groupchat with my tech CEO friends there’s this betting pool for the first year that there is a one-person billion dollar company… Which would have been unimaginable without AI and now will happen.” – Sam Altman
With AI—especially AI agents doing complete end-to-end tasks—being a one-man show definitely feels more and more possible. And people want it too – search for “solopreneur” is uptrending:
On one hand, I fear I will be made obsolete. On the other, I also see the exciting possibilities that a one-billion, one-person company will herald. Not that I want to get to $1B… but imagine the tools that empower one outlier to do that will also help others in the majority middle get to relatively high revenue too!
It’s going to be such a polarized future.
My bet is 2034 as the first billion dollar one person company. We'll see 🙈