Just hit 100 out of 366 days of daily commits!
Not too shabby! In 3 months I already covered 60% of the commits I did last year!
Some numbers:
New products launched: 5
Streak: 100 days out of 366
Days missed: 0
Total commits: 289
Code: Mostly plain HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Velocity: Average of 2.89 commits per day
Most active: I pushed the most commits on Wednesdays
The funny thing about doing reviews like this: I always discover that I did a lot more than I thought!
The commitment is definitely still there, although in April I had to do only the bare minimum due to consulting – some days I was so tired I was even falling asleep while pushing my only commit for the day! One code commit might not have made much progress, but snowball that over weeks and the progress is substantial. Much better than having ZERO progress at all and losing momentum altogether over weeks/months! In fact, I’m on track to commit as much as I did last year at half the time.
Note to self, regarding motivation and creative momentum: An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest stays at rest.
So top marks for effort, but realistically speaking, not much progress on the revenue front. So even while I keep shipping, I got to also ship stuff that moves the needle on revenue.
It’s good, but not great… yet.
Onwards to the remaining 266 days!